Climate-Smart Siargao Project featured at Komunidad APMCDRR booth
Komunidad has wrapped up its insightful participation at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR), where it featured its award-winning Climate-Smart Siargao Project.
Komunidad was one of the exhibitors at the APMCDRR themed “Surge to 2030: Enhancing ambition in AsiaPacific to accelerate disaster risk reduction,” held on October 14-18 at the Philippine International Convention Center.
The Climate-Smart Siargao Project was the centerpiece feature of Komunidad’s booth that allowed participants to experience “After the Storm: Siargao’s Journey of Resilience.” The award-winning project chronicled the recovery journey of Siargao communities after experiencing the wrath of Super Typhoon Odette (Rai). Komunidad empowered communities there through real-time weather data and early warning systems to help them protect their lives and livelihoods.
Komunidad also showcased its comprehensive platform that integrated the Sustainability Suite and Environmental Intelligence Suite—software products that have been helping businesses, communities, and industries in enhancing their climate resilience strategies and tools. The platform demonstration earned interest from environment and disaster risk offices of national and local governments, as well as local businesses.
At the booth, Komunidad also promoted its mobile safety sidekick Curbeet, which informs its application users of natural hazards in your area such as storms, floods, and heatwaves.
The APMCDRR gathered 3,000 to 5,000 participants that came from governments, intergovernmental, international, national and civil society organizations, the private sector, science, academia and stakeholder groups.
Aside from being a venue to promote its software products, Komunidad officers also learned from plenary sessions on “Practical solutions to enhance DRR financing;” “Leaving no on behind: Gender responsive and inclusive disaster risk governace;” and “Localization of urban and rural resilience.” Komunidad also noted ereas of potential collaborations with fellow exhibitors to further its #EarlyWarningsForAll movement.
APMCDRR was hosted by the Philippine government and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. The event was held to monitor, review, and enhance cooperation for the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 at the regional level.